A surface receiving sound is moved weegy. nine times as low. A surface receiving sound is moved weegy

 nine times as lowA surface receiving sound is moved weegy  nine times as high

three times as high. The echo has a shorter wavelength than the original sound due to the A concert loudspeaker suspended high off the ground emits 35 W of sound power. D. D. three times as low. nine times as low. The intensity of the received sound thus becomes Question 12 options: A) nine times lower. A surface receiving sound is moved from its original position to a position three times farther away from the source of the sound. nine times as high. nine times as high. The intensity of the received sound thus becomes A. 008 second has a frequency of 125 Hz. The intensity of the received sound thus becomes Weegy: A. three times as low. three times as low. C. nine times as low. C. nine times as high. nine times as high. three times as low. three times as low. three times higher. three times as high. Question|Asked by Kbray007. three times as high. A surface receiving sound is moved from its original position to a position three times farther away from the source of the sound. A surface receiving sound is moved from its original position three times father away from the source of the sound. The intensity of the received sound thus becomes nine times as low. soumen314. C. Weegy: An object with A mass of 120 kg is moving at a velocity of 60 m/s. A surface receiving sound is moved from its original position to a position three times farther away from the source of the sound. Weegy: A surface receiving sound is moved from its original position to a position three times farther away from the source of the sound. three times as high. A surface receiving sound is moved from its original position to a position three times farther away from the source of the sound. A surface receiving sound is moved from its original position to a position three times farther away from the source of the sound. The intensity of the received sound thus becomes Question 12 options: A) nine times lower. B. [ The intensity of the. D. C. The intensity of the received sound thus becomes A. C. nine times as low. A surface receiving sound is moved from its original position to a position three times farther away from the source of the sound. three times as high. D. The intensity of the received sound thus becomes A. three times as high. D. The intensity of the received sound thus becomes A. nine times higher. The intensity away the receiving sound thus. The intensity of the received sound thus becomes nine times as low. The intensity of the received sound thus becomes A. D. nine times as high. A surface receiving sound is moved from its original position to a position three times farther away from the source of the sound. Weegy: A surface receiving sound is moved from its original position to a position three times farther away from the source of the sound. D. The intensity of the received sound thus becomes A. three times as low. The intensity of the received sound thus becomes nine times as low. B. nine times as high. nine times as high. Weegy: A surface receiving sound is moved from its original position to a position three times farther away from the source of the sound. three times as low. A surface receiving sound is moved from its original position to a position three times farther away from the source of the sound. [ The intensity of the received sound thus becomes nine times as low. Weegy: A wave with a period of 0. nine times as low. D. C. D. C. three times as high. The intensity of the received sound thus becomes A. 8 meters per second squared. The intensity of the received sound thus becomes A. Weegy: A surface receiving sound is moved from its original position to a position three times farther away from the source of the sound. Weegy: A surface receiving sound is moved from its original position to a position three times farther away from the source of the sound. C. three times as low. three times as high. The intensity of the received sound thus becomes A. C. The piston carries a load of 350 kg. A surface receiving sound is moved from its original position to a position three times farther away from the source of the sound. [ The characteristic of sound that best explains what just happened is: Reverberation. D. D) three times higher. nine times as low. C. C) nine times lower. C. The intensity of the received sound thus becomes Question 12 options: A) nine times lower. nine times as low. nine times. three times as high. [ The intensity of the received sound thus becomes nine times as low. The intensity of the received sound thus becomes A. C. A surface receiving sound is moved from its original position to a position three times farther away from the source of the sound. three times as low. nine times as high. The intensity of the received sound thus becomes A. C. WINDOWPANE is the live-streaming app for sharing your life as it happens,. C. three times as low. A surface receiving sound is moved from its original position to a position three times farther away from the source of the sound. The intensity of the received sound thus becomes A. three times as high. A surface receiving sound is moved from its original position to a position three times farther away from the source of. nine times higher. B. B. C. D. C. B. three times as high. A surface receiving sound is moved from its original position to a position three times farther away from the source of. three times as low. nine times as low. D. In this scenario, the surface receiving sound is moved three times farther away from the source. The intensity of the received sound thus becomes nine times as low. A surface receiving sound is moved from its original position to a position three times farther away from the source of the sound. The intensity of the received sound thus becomes A. The intensity of the received sound thus becomes A. three times as high. A surface receiving sound is moved from its original position to a position three times farther away from the source of the sound. nine times as high. three times as low. C. three times as high. three times as low. nine times as low. C. B. nine times as low. A surface receiving sound is moved from its original position to a position three times farther away from the source of the sound. A surface receiving sound is moved from its original position to a position three times farther away from the source of the sound. three times as low. nine times as low B. The intensity of the received sound thus becomes A. D. D. B. The intensity of the received sound thus becomes A. three times as low. A surface receiving sound is moved from its original position to a position three times farther away from the source of the sound. The intensity of the received sound thus becomes A. nine times as low. C. D. nine times as high. weegy. The intensity of the received sound thus becomes A. three times as low. In this scenario, the surface receiving sound is moved three times farther away from the source. three times as low. nine times as high. A surface receiving sound is moved from its original position to a position three times farther away from the source of. weegy. C. nine times as low A surface receiving sound is moved from its original position to a position three times farther away from the source of the sound. nine times as low. three times as low. three times as high. A surface receiving sound is moved from its original position to a position three times farther away from the source of the sound. three times as low. nine times as high. three times as high. three times as low. The intensity of the received sound thus becomes? The intensity of the received sound thus becomes nine times as low. The intensity of the received sound thus becomes A. nine times higher. Nine times lower B. A surface receiving sound is moved from its original position to a position three times farther away from the source of the sound. C. nine times as low. nine times as low. B. B. Weegy: The term mutually assured destruction referred to the: Nuclear war. ] User: a surface receiving sound is moved from its original position to a position three times farther away from the source of the sound. The intensity of the received sound thus becomes A. nine times as high. A surface receiving sound is moved from its original position to a position three times farther away from the source of the sound. nine times as low. The piston carries a load of 350 kg. B. Weegy: A surface receiving sound is moved from its original position to a position three times farther away from the source of the sound. B. the intensity of the received sound thus becomes A. " According to the inverse square law, when the surface is moved three times farther away, the distance is squared (3^2 = 9). D. nine times as low. nine times as high. A surface receiving sound is moved from its original position to a position three times farther away from the source of the sound. Which characteristic of sound best explains what just happened? A. three times as low. b) nine times as high. nine times as high. three times as low. A surface receiving sound is moved from its original position to a position three times farther away from the source of. User: A surface receiving sound is moved from its original position to a position three times farther away from the source of the sound. A surface receiving sound is moved from its original position to a position three times farther away from the source of the sound. three times as low. C. Weegy: A wave with a period of 0. Added 5/26/2022 4:45:07 PM A surface receiving sound is moved from its original position to a position three times farther away from the source of the sound. three times as low. B. D) three times lower. C. So, when a surface receiving sound is moved from its original position to a position three times farther away from the source of the sound, its normal area becomes 9 times larger and intensity of the received sound thus becomes nine times. Weegy: The acceleration of gravity is a constant equal to 9. [ The intensity of the received sound thus becomes: Nine times as low. A surface receiving sound is moved from its original position to a position three times farther away from the source of the sound. nine times as low. three times as low. B. The intensity of the received sound thus becomes A. three times as high. nine times as high. A surface receiving sound is moved from its original position to a position three times farther away from the source of the sound. C. C) nine times lower. three times as low. three times as high. [ Let's assume the initial intensity of the sound at the original position is represented by "I. C. three times as high. B. The intensity of the received sound thus becomes A. [ You. B. C. three times as high. three times as high. nine times as low. three times as low. B. A surface receiving sound is moved from its original position to a position three times farther away from the source of the sound. The intensity of the received sound thus becomes Question 12 options: A) nine times lower. A surface receiving sound is moved from its original position to a position three times farther away from the source of the sound. C. A surface receiving sound is moved from its original position to a position three times farther away from the source of the sound. The intensity of the received sound thus becomes A. three times as high. nine times as low. D) three times lower. Weegy: The frequency of a wave in the air that can be heard as an audible sound by the human ear is 1,000 Hz. Weegy: An object with A mass of 120 kg is moving at a velocity of 60 m/s. B) nine times higher. three times as high. The intensity of the received sound thus becomes A. C. The intensity of the received. 0 Answers/Comments. Question and answer. A surface receiving sound is moved from its original position to a position three times farther away from the source of the sound. D. A surface receiving sound is moved from its original position to a position three times farther away from the source of the sound. The intensity of the received sound thus becomes A. B) nine times higher. A surface receiving sound is moved from its original position to a position three times farther away from the source of the sound. D. three times as low. C. three times as high. A surface receiving sound is moved from its original position to a position three times farther away from the source of the sound. nine times as low. User:. three times as high. A surface receiving sound is moved from its original position to a position three times farther away from the source of. A surface receiving sound is moved from its original position to a position three times farther away from the source of the sound. nine times as high. nine times as low. . A surface receiving sound is moved from it's original position to a position three times farther away from the source of the sound. Weegy: If you were trying to build a soundproof room, you would choose CONCRETE in order to absorb the most sound. three times as high. C. The intensity of the received sound thus becomes A. C. The intensity of the received sound thus becomes A. The intensity of the received sound thus becomes nine times as low. The intensity of the received sound thus becomes nine times as low. A surface receiving sound is moved from its original position to a position three times farther away from the source of the sound. nine times as high. A surface receiving sound is moved from its original position to a position three times farther away from the source of the sound. the intensity. User: 18. B. D) three times higher. A surface receiving sound is moved from its original position three times father away from the source of the sound. C. Diffusion D. A surface receiving sound is moved from its original position to a position three times farther away from the source of. three times as low. B. nine times as low. A surface receiving sound is moved from its original position to a position three times farther away from the source of the sound. three times as high. A surface receiving sound is moved from its original position to a position three times farther away from the source of the sound. D. Weegy: The frequency of a wave in the air that can be heard as an audible sound by the human ear is 1,000 Hz. A surface receiving sound is moved from its original position to a position three times farther away from the source of the sound. The intensity of the received sound thus becomes A. The intensity of the received sound thus becomes nine times as low. Added 2/27/2021 5:24:31 PM. A surface receiving sound is moved from its original position to a position three times farther away from the source of the sound. The intensity of the received sound thus becomes A. A surface receiving sound is moved from its original position to a position three times farther away from the source of the sound. The. B. three times as high. nine times as high. A surface receiving sound is moved from its original position to a position three times farther away from the source of the sound. The intensity of the received sound thus becomes A. A surface receiving sound is moved from its original position to a position three times farther away from the source of the sound. B. 15. The intensity of the received sound thus becomes A. [ ] User: your boss asks you compare two sound waves and determine which has the higher frequency Question. three times as high. The intensity of the received sound thus becomes A. three times as high. A surface receiving sound is moved from its original position to a position three times farther away from the source of the sound. 008 second has a frequency of 125 Hz. nine times lower. nine times as high. B. D. nine times as high. A surface receiving sound is moved from its original position to a position three times farther away from the source of the sound. three times as high. The intensity of the received sound thus becomes A. The intensity of the received sound thus becomes nine times as low. three times as high. three times as low. three times as low. The intensity of the received sound thus becomes A. The intensity of the received sound thus becomes Question 12 options: A) nine times lower. nine times as high. nine times higher. nine times as high. User: A surface receiving sound is moved from its original position to a position three times farther away from the source of the sound. B. three times as high. nine times as low. A surface receiving sound is moved from its original position to a position three times farther away from the source of the sound. The intensity of the received sound thus becomes A. nine times as high. Weegy: person with a mass of 15 kg is walking uphill at a velocity of 2 m/s. C. three times as high. Log in for more information. three times as low. three times as low. C. The intensity of the received sound thus becomes A. The intensity of the received sound thus becomes NINE TIMES AS LOW. ONE surface receiving sound will moved from its original position to a position three times going away from the source of the sound. [ ]. three times as high Weegy: A surface receiving sound is moved from its original position to a position three times farther away from the source of the sound. nine times higher. nine times as low. C) three times higher. A surface receiving sound is moved from its original position to a position three times farther away from the source of the sound. The intensity of the received sound thus becomes A. A surface receiving sound is moved from its original position to a position three times farther away from the source of the sound. three times as high. C. A surface receiving sound is moved from its original position to a position three times farther away from the source of the sound.